Discount :

 • Summer Session

1-4 to 30-9 = 5%

• Winter Session
1-10 to 31-3 =15%

Sky Pharm

Pool size 11*6
Depth 70*180 cm
Land area 2 Dunam
2 outdoor bathrooms with shorts
BBQ District
Car garage for 5 cars
Oak tree hundreds of years old
1 Bedroom

Daily Use (14) People
Overnight stay (4) people
Families only or a group of girls
Weekdays 180 JOD (Daytime)
Thursday 230 JD (Daytime)
Saturday 230 JD (Daytime)
Friday 280 JD (Daytime)
JD 70+ per night


Location Wadi Al-Sheta (close to Abu Al-Sous Al-Bayader - 15 minutes away from Abdoun) 

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